
How can Live Chat convince your doubtful prospects?

Post by
Jordan Tavares
Increase your sales

We've all visited countless websites looking for just the one product or service we needed. Until now, different providers of the same services and products had to do everything they could to stand out and ensure that their visitors contacted them and not the competitor. There are many ways to do so; attractive contact forms that promise more information and a tailor-made offer, well placed and attention-grabbing Call To Action buttons, a promise of a discount if the visitor contacts you,.... all in vain.

According to a study by Loudhouse, 48% of the visitors leave your website because they miss just that last motivation to prefer you over a competitor. That's almost half and therefore a lot.

Visitors often lose the overview of all available offers, know nothing about your business sector and have not found information that convinces them. Especially since they are used to a digital world in which everything is fast and simple. Today's visitors expect an answer within max 2 hours when asking a question. And the same service is expected over the weekend.

It's simple on location. An employee is always on sight to welcome visitors and advise them as quickly as possible. Why should it be different online?

Other studies have shown that sales and customer satisfaction figures are linked to the responsiveness of the supplier. 82% of shoppers believe that a good customer experience is based on quickly solving a problem or question. That makes sense. If you answer a customer within a minute who asks the same question to a competitor, but that company does not reply until the next day, chances are that the customer doesn't even remember your competitor and sees you as a market reference. This, of course, also applies the other way round.

A live chat on your website allows you to respond to this phenomenon thanks to direct answers and optimal customer support. The visitor who is still making a discovery and who is in a shop/showroom/agency/... would simply go to one of your employees for more information, will now have a live chat on your website. This way the customer feels understood, guided and informed. The chat agent now has all the information to help him or her in the best possible way. In other cases, the visitor can always be put in contact with a specialist, the visitor's contact details will then be noted down.

Now the company enjoys a head start, while this visitor would normally have left the website without your knowledge.

We end with one of the most striking figures from the Loudhouse study: 73% of the visitors are more satisfied with live chat than with e-mail or telephone communication. So what are we waiting for?

Fancy a few tips on how to start making your company available through live chat? Read more about it in our ebook "11 steps to start converting visitors into customers with live chat"

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