Our mission

Welivechat's mission is to improve your conversion rate and humanize your website by offering humanized, exceptional and personalized customer support. We transform each interaction into a unique experience in order to help your visitors in their search for information and generate leads.

Our company in figures

+ 97% chat satisfaction
+ 5000 conversations per month
+ than 20 different business sectors

Find out which ones here

Available on over 60 sites right now

Our history

At the origins of a vision

The Welivechat adventure began in the spirit of our founders, who were passionate about innovation and customer service. They observed a growing gap between businesses and their customers: digital communication, while practical, was sorely lacking in human warmth. This realization was the trigger. Our mission was clear: to bridge this gap.

The birth of a revolution

With a team of talented and dedicated professionals, we have built a unique platform: a live chat service, led by real people, trained to listen, understand, and respond with empathy. We didn't just want to solve problems; we wanted to create experiences, build relationships, and transform how brands communicate.

A path full of innovations

The first days of Welivechat were marked by enthusiasm and innovation. Each challenge was an opportunity to learn and grow. We have developed our own methods, refined our strategies, and broadened our vision to include an ever more personalized range of services.

Quickly, the results spoke for themselves. Businesses that adopted Welivechat saw their customer satisfaction improve, their engagement increased, and their loyalty strengthened. We have become an essential partner for businesses that want to offer an exceptional customer experience.

Into the future

Today, Welivechat isn't just a chat service; it's a symbol of commitment to authentic, quality customer service. Looking to the future, we remain true to our mission: to connect brands to their customers in the most human and warm way possible.

At Welivechat, our story is one of a passion for innovation and a commitment to excellence. It's the story of how a small idea grew into a movement, changing the way the world sees customer service. Join us on this ongoing journey, and together, let's redefine the future of customer communication.

The founders

Mussche Thibaut


Thibaut takes care of the daily management of the company, the customer relationship and the technical part of the live chat.

Tavares Jordan


Jordan is responsible for bringing new features to our services, networking and customer relationships

Rivero Corrales Michael


Michael is the company's shadow man. With his backend profile, Michael takes care of the financial side of the company, controlling the conversations and the live chat.

Laurent Maeter, Marketing Coordinator of Welivechat

Maeter Laurent


Laurent is the marketing master at Welivechat. He is in charge of offering visibility to our services with all our potential partners. He is also in charge of welcoming visitors via live chat

Our vision

Where conversations become connections

Welcome to the era of customer service reinvented with Welivechat. We are more than just an online chat service; we are the pioneers of a humanized revolution in digital communication.

Humanity and technology: a dynamic duo

At Welivechat, we strongly believe that behind each screen is someone looking for an authentic and personalized experience. That's why our live chat services are not just an interface, but a window into a world of warm and meaningful human interactions. Our trained and empathetic agents are not just respondents; they are listeners, advisors, and guides.

Your brand, our voice

Your brand has a history, a personality, a promise. Our chat agents become the voice of your brand, accurately reflecting it with every interaction. They don't just respond; they engage, understand, and connect. They turn every question into a conversation, every doubt into a discovery, and every visitor into a potential customer.

Conversations that matter

We turn customer support into a rewarding experience. Each question is an opportunity to create a connection, each problem a chance to show your commitment to customer satisfaction.

With Welivechat, every interaction is a step towards customer loyalty and business growth.

Let's innovate together

Join us on this exciting journey where every click opens a conversation, and every conversation opens up new possibilities.

Embrace a customer service approach that values people, creates lasting relationships, and takes your brand to new heights.

But what do Internet users who have chatted with Welivechat think? Some left a comment;

“Fast despite a weekend day”

“Responsive, friendly and professional”

“Very convenient great service thank you very much”

“Very friendly and professional”

“Quick answers and attentive, thank you”

“Superb exchange agent, very understanding”

Do you want to discover our services? Schedule a call directly with our advisor!