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Humanized live chat

Our revolutionary live chat service, designed specifically to improve online interaction with your customers. At Welivechat we understand that communication is the key to success in today's digital world. That is why we have developed a unique live chat service that is fully managed by competent and empathetic human agents.


Team of professional agents

Our service goes beyond standard automated responses. Each conversation is managed by a team of experts trained to provide personalized, accurate, and real-time responses. Whether it's answering simple questions, managing complex requests, or providing technical support, our agents are there to ensure an exceptional customer experience.

With our service, you can expect:

Immediate answers

Our agents are available 7/7 from 9 am to 10 pm to ensure that no questions from your customers go unanswered.


Each interaction is adapted to the specific needs of your customers, offering a more human and engaging experience.

Improving customer satisfaction

Superior customer service leads to increased loyalty and a better brand reputation.


We adapt our services to the particularities of your business, whether you are a small start-up or a large corporation.


The price of our service of Humanized live chat is as flexible and adaptable as the service itself. We understand that every business is unique, and that is why our prices vary based on several factors such as the sector of the business, workload, customer size, and special requests.

Pay for results

Our model is based on the principle of “pay for results”. This means that our rates are directly linked to the quality and efficiency of the service provided. Whether the goal is to generate leads, schedule appointments, or provide exceptional customer service, our pricing reflects the results we get for your business.

Our different classifications

At Welivechat, we offer a diverse range of live chat services to meet a variety of communication needs. Here is a detailed description of our four main service categories: Service, Service-Sales, Lead, and Appointments.


Description : This category is designed for interactions where the operator simply answers the visitor's question. It is ideal for general inquiries where there is no obvious purchase intention on the part of the visitor.

Examples of use : Provide answers to questions about business hours, product specifications, policies


Sales service

Description : This category is for situations where the conversation goes beyond simply answering a question and involves follow-up or the need to establish further contact.

Examples of use : Assistance in the order process, resolution of specific problems, after-sales service or the provision of detailed information requiring follow-up.


Description : This category concerns conversations that generate a sales lead. These are interactions where the visitor shows an interest in a purchase, requiring commercial follow-up.

Examples of use
: Gather contact information for prospects interested in a product or service, discussions leading to potential commercial interest.



Description : This category focuses on interactions that result in making appointments for more in-depth discussions.

Examples of use : Schedule appointments for product presentations, trials, or demos.

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