
How do I combine my live chat with my marketing strategy?

Post by
Laurent Maeter
Live chat support and marketing

Nowadays, digitisation is no longer negligible, and most of your prospects are looking to have exactly the same online experience as if they were visiting your store. They now have a multitude of channels at their disposal to be accompanied during an online purchase: digital showrooms, virtual tours, 360° views, sales via videochat, live chat, ...

Nevertheless, it is important to properly guide and inform your prospects about these new "tools" you made available to them. After all, these tools are there for their comfort and to enable them to have the best possible experience when shopping online. This can only stimulate their curiosity.

Your marketing strategy should therefore ideally focus on informing your public about these new tools. It's good to create them and put them online, but if no one knows where they are or what they're for, you won't get any feedback.

As far as live chat is concerned, there are a lot of possibilities to inform your customers and also to stand out at the same time. Knowing that you are always available, via a simple and quick live chat, allows readers to remember your presence and to keep thinking about you. In other words, you become Top of Mind.

  • Talk about the live chat on your contact page

Many visitors will go to the Contact page of your website. It is a good idea to remind them that they can chat with you directly on the website.

  • Communicate on social networks towards your community: Facebook, Linkedin... concerning activities related to the Livechat

How can you forget social networks? People who follow you online will be quickly intrigued by the live chat you announce on your new post. Again, they will notice that you stand out and will feel more drawn to your website the day they need your services.

It is therefore not a bad idea to remind your customers on the networks from time to time that your operator is present on your website, every day!

  • If your website has a blog, feel free to talk about live chat on this page

If you have a blog section on your website, it is advised to write an article on why you offer all your customers the opportunity to converse via live chat. The benefits are numerous, so it is important to remind them that you are doing it to serve them better.

  • Mention your live chat in your newsletters

It's not always easy to get feedback from sent newsletters. Inviting the reader to come and chat directly about the offer or its content can generate a better influx of visitors to your website.

So don't hesitate to use the live chat as your main call-to-action!

  • Promotional codes

It is not uncommon to receive a promotional code, special offer or additional discount while chatting on a supplier's website. So don't hesitate to create one and provide it to your chat operators!

  • Indicate the presence of your live chat on your flyers, brochures, ...

They tend to disappear, but of course we can't forget the canned ads that can be used in marketing campaigns. By informing the prospect of your constant digital availability, they will be more likely to follow up on your advertisement.

  • Lettering on shop windows/employee cars

Everyone proudly displays their opening hours, current promotions, beautiful images of their product, ... on their window display. On the other hand, many companies use lettering on their fleet vehicles. If you want to give your contact details on the lettering, why don't you indicate your presence on the live chat as well? The people who will read this kind of lettering are not the ones who will be going straight to your dealership. So give them a reason to contact you easily!

Fancy more free tips on how to grow your live chat's results? Our ebook "11 steps to start converting your visitors into customers with live chat" will be helpful.

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