Install the Facebook Messenger Widget on your site in minutes

Post by
Jordan Tavares
Coloured Facebook Messenger logo

A step-by-step solution, regardless of your website editor

Customers are increasingly leaning towards fast, written communication. Businesses are realizing the importance of being immediately available to address questions received via their Facebook page's messaging service. Consumers today expect a response within two hours, which includes weekends and holidays! Naturally, the faster and more efficiently you respond, the happier your customers will be. For those looking to provide an even higher level of service, it is possible to integrate the Facebook Messenger chat widget onto their website. This allows visitors to message your Facebook page from a familiar site. It can lead to an increase in customer interactions and, with proper management, enhance conversions. This, in turn, is sure to positively affect your business results, right?



  • A website (you need to have access to the source code or ask your webmaster to add it. It just takes a few minutes)
  • A Facebook Business Page
  • Administrative rights to that Facebook Business Page


1. Go to

2. Log in and access your inbox

Meta Business menu

3. Click on "settings" in the top right, symbolized by the classic gear icon.

Where to click to go to settings

4. Click on Chat plugin

5. Click on Set up

Inbox settings page on Meta Business

6. Choose your website provider and simply follow the on-screen steps.

If your specific website provider is not in the list, you can chose the "standard" method which will give you an HTML code that you can add using the same steps down here.


Almost all methods involve adding an HTML code, provided by Facebook, into your website's source code. However, don't panic, even if you're not a computer whiz. As long as you have access to your source code, no coding knowledge is necessary to implement it. Otherwise, it's a matter of a few seconds for your webmaster.

You just need to ensure you paste the HTML code provided by Facebook before the closing body tag in your source code (“</body>).

If you've followed these steps correctly, Messenger is now available on your website. You'll be able to respond to incoming requests from your classic Messenger inbox or through Meta Business Suite. There are also several useful features to manage queries or handle them in your absence; we'll talk more about this in the "Automations" section.

Facebook frequently updates its processes, so we make every effort to keep this article up to date. However, if you notice any discrepancies with the current procedures, please accept our apologies. Do not hesitate to report any inconsistencies, and we will make the necessary updates as quickly as possible!


More than half of modern consumers expect an instant response when they contact a company on Facebook. Facebook Messenger already offers very helpful features to prevent leaving your prospects or customers waiting.

Over 30% of chats handled by Welivechat occur on weekends or after 5 pm!

Therefore, it's possible to add preset replies and personalized messages that respond for you when you are not available. First, you need to set your availability and absence hours. All this is done directly from the same page as the widget setup on your site. By informing the program of your availability, it will know when to respond automatically or when to let you answer.

The greeting message is what will automatically appear next to the widget on your website.

The welcome message is what will start the conversation if the client contacts you directly from Facebook Messenger, without going through the site.

Finally, you can add an unlimited number of frequently asked questions.

We suggest keeping the list fairly short and always ending automated responses with information about your availability hours.

For example:

Question: "Do you deliver your products at home?"

Response: "Yes, certainly, we can deliver your product directly to your home. My colleagues are available to answer you every day from 9 am to 5 pm! One of them will get back to you as quickly as possible if you have any further questions."

So, don't leave the visitor hanging for information, but most importantly, let them know that they will be taken care of promptly! If you have forms, online calculators, or other useful tools to offer them, do so as well. They might go through your sales process on their own thanks to just one automated response.

How to push it even further?

For businesses aiming to maximize service, Welivechat offers a hybrid formula with trained agents who assist your visitors when your team is unavailable. You can then be sure to have a professional team available 7 days a week from 9 am to 10 pm, even during your closing hours or annual holidays.