
Listing your visitor's needs to anticipate on questions

Post by
Laurent Maeter
computer screen with many live chat conversations from different profiles

Whether it's by email, phone or social networks, your (potential) customers often contact you looking for useful information. Usually, you already know the reasons why they are trying to get in touch. Whether they are new customers or existing customers looking for support, the same questions keep on coming up. 

It is worth listing these situations for one specific purpose; to know how far you want to go in each situation. This will help you structure each conversation. Is the aim to sell your product/service directly via the chat? Or do you want to collect contact details from your visitors and send them back to your sales team?

Perhaps you even want to schedule appointments directly in the live chat? And if it's about support, do you want to give very technical information?

It is important to agree before you start. This allows the person in charge of chatting to manage the conversations according to a certain guideline. It will make the process more efficient and requests can be filtered and sent directly to the right department internally for a quick follow-up. In addition, your visitors will see that they are talking to a specialist with the necessary product knowledge.

Listing the needs of your visitors will also allow you to learn a lot about them. Asking them why they buy or don't buy will give you an interesting picture of what is important to them. In short, if you know the challenges they face, it is much easier to offer them appropriate solutions. You already know the solutions you can offer.

In practice, you can list the possible situations, the desired purpose for each type of exchange, and hand the list to your live chat staff. You can even write down, in advance, the "perfect" conversation with each type of customer; this will allow your collaborator to follow a “script” during his written exchanges, and even to copy/paste certain phrases/typical questions in order to save precious time.

Struggling on other parts of your live chat strategy? Download our free ebook "11 steps to start converting your visitors into customers with live chat"

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