
The evolution of direct communication : New trends for 2023

Post by
Jordan Tavares
img src="2022.jpg" alt="futruristic 2022 with various means of communications pointing to it"

In a constantly changing world, the selection of the right communication tools is essential to continue to meet the expectations of your customers. The use of the Internet and its development are obvious signals and the search for digital information about a product or service is becoming dominant. How will you continue to meet the demands of your Internet users? Which communication means will be the actors of your success and which structures will you put in place to reach your objectives? What vision do you have to keep your internal and external communication effective, while keeping your marketing strategy in mind? What impact will it have on your employees? Or how will you promote your brand new product?

A digital world

All signals are pointing towards digital as the industry has evolved in recent years. Through their screens, consumers want to be able to do everything online and they expect fast communication. From the comfort of their home, from their workplace or even from their phone on vacation, they find everything on Google using the selection of tools at their disposal. 88% of consumers will do their detailed research in advance. No need to go to different providers to get the information they want and find answers to their questions. They choose the companies that interest them, even unconsciously, from the website. This site is your face and must therefore be a showcase reflecting the know-how and services of your company. But this is no longer enough. It is imperative to break the codes and to remain in a process of constant evolution.

Transition towards web 4.0

Your (future) buyers want clear and transparent answers to their specific case. Directly if possible. A large number of studies prove that people expect an answer within 2 hours, even on weekends or in the evening. This applies to both large and small companies. The evolution of the number of online purchases (even for high value sales) is a signal that is becoming more and more dominant. Certain technologies allow you to better reach your prospect, to impress him with well placed tools and elements that meet his expectations.

But with such a diverse audience, the ideal is to have a counselor who can help them personally. Not always so obvious through a screen. How can you continue to distance yourself from your competitors?

Your business and your customers evolve 

There are a lot of communication channels available today, nevertheless the most classical ones are no longer the ones that attract prospects. Unfortunately, these communication channels are still the ones that companies most often implement in their marketing strategy. Let's take the phone as an example; robots that ask you to select the right department, music on hold that never ends, you get the wrong person, you have to repeat your situation several times, the office just closed and you have to call back tomorrow, ...

There are many situations that make consumers quickly get cold feet because of these negative signals and the idea of having to call a service provider for an initial intake of information. The customer is afraid of wasting his time and wants to be reassured directly in his purchasing process. He wants to be able to ask his question or remove his doubts without commitment. The Internet allows them to have a global vision of what is possible, to find additional information, to compare offers and to get an idea of what other consumers have experienced.

This is why online chat is a communication solution for companies with a forward-looking vision and concerned about their reputation. An advisor can answer in real time to the questions of Internet users, help them in their search for information and direct them to the right services. This option is also convenient for employees who can continue their work while helping customers. A Deloitte study shows that companies that use online chat have an average 30% increase in sales.

Want to start your live chat journey on your website? You can download our free ebook by clicking here. It will guide you through the important steps. Or just book a call with us and let's discuss your chat strategy!

What's next?

Social networks are changing the game and they send a strong signal to businesses. You can promote your business, show your products or services, answer customer questions, receive feedback and even sell directly on the platform. This approach is also useful for your employees who can be trained to respond to the different requests on social networks. The company can use the resources it has in-house to meet the needs of its customers without having to hire additional staff.

But what's the next step? Virtual reality. This rapidly developing technology simulates a 3D environment to provide an immersive experience for users. In the field of online sales, virtual reality allows web visitors to have a detailed vision of the product, to manipulate it virtually and to compare it to other products. This allows them to make a first selection and purchase decision with confidence, without having to go to a physical store.

So how do you integrate virtual reality into your communication strategy? It is important to define a framework for the use of this technology in your company. Why use it and for whom? It is also important to train employees to this new concept and provide them with the necessary tools to offer a quality experience to customers. Finally, it is important to measure the results of this approach to ensure that it is contributing effectively to your internal and external communication strategy.

In summary, companies must constantly evolve to meet the needs of their customers and employees. The use of technologies such as online chat and virtual reality can be a solution to improve communication and increase sales. It is therefore important to define a framework for the development and use of these technologies and to train employees internally to make the most of them.

Today, the most revolutionary and by far the most underestimated tool is live chat. So what are our companies waiting for to get on board and make the transition to a simpler world?

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How can Live Chat convince your doubtful prospects?

Proactive messages to captivate your website visitors

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